In the United States, the legality of cannabis use varies from one state to the next. Cannabis is commonly used, both recreationally, and for a variety of medical purposes (medical cannabis). According to the Mayo Clinic, medical cannabis may provide benefits for those suffering from specific medical conditions, such as those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, those suffering from epilepsy and seizures, and those who are experiencing severe nausea and vomiting due to the use of chemotherapy drugs.

Establishing the Basics

Whether cannabis use is for recreational or medical purposes, it is important to establish the following:

Be Forewarned: Cannabis Laws Vary Widely, State by State

If you are a cannabis user, it is imperative that you establish the legality of use in your home state, as well as in the states to which you may travel. While some states still prohibit the use of cannabis altogether, other states allow use for recreational purposes or medical purposes. Peoplefinders is a useful source where you can find each state and its specific policy. These categories include:

  • No access to marijuana
  • Permitted use of CBD and low THC products
  • Permitted recreational use
  • Permitted medical use

Propagation of Cannabis: Establishing Safety and Efficacy of your Product

In addition to establishing whether the use of cannabis is legal at your desired level of use, it is important to become educated on the quality of the product you choose to consume. Growing begins with the propagation of female plants through clonal reproduction. This widely used and effective technique consists of using healthy plant cuttings to grow new plants that are consistent for all traits, according to

Consumer Reports describes a head farmer who handles the growth of around 100,000 hemp plants (plants that are a form of cannabis). They put importance on a couple of key concerns:

  • Ensuring plants do not absorb any harmful chemicals that could be present in the soil
  • Establishing how much THC and CBD (known as cannabinoids) are present in their plants

For those who are not familiar with these substances, the NIH states that THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the substance that is responsible for the effects of marijuana on a person’s mental state. Marijuana is part of the cannabis sativa plant that contains THC. CBD, or cannabidiol, is the chemical many believe possesses possible health benefits.

What Amounts of Cannabinoids are Safe for Use?

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. According to GoodRx Health, there are no official recommendations on what is a safe amount of THC to take. More research must be conducted in order to make this determination. As for CBD, studies indicate that doses up to 1,500 milligrams a day have been well-tolerated. However, each person handles CBD differently. Also, THC and CBD amounts will vary by product form, such as gummy, oil, or vape. The burden is on the individual to research their respective product, with the exception of a few drugs the FDA has approved for medical use.


If you’re thinking about exploring cannabis, make sure you first establish the legality of use in your state. Then, do your research to ensure the product you are using is safe and effective. Though the world of cannabis is evolving, you must rely on your own research to guide you.

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